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Swaton Banerjee

Contact Me: +91 801-749-2602



At Osteopathy Kolkata, we treat our Clients with Respect, Care and Sincerety.

Prior to initiating an osteopathic diagnosis and subsequent treatment, clients are provided with a formal consent form. This procedural protocol is designed to apprise the client comprehensively of the impending osteopathic procedures. The purpose of this practice is twofold: firstly, to ensure that clients are well-informed about the nature of the forthcoming treatment administered by the osteopath, and secondly, to facilitate the client's active involvement in the decision-making process pertaining to the formulation of an osteopathic treatment plan. This approach is designed to empower clients, allowing them to make informed decisions aligned with their comfort and preferences in the context of osteopathic care.

The consent form which will be presented to you at the time of the consultation is given below.

Client Consent: Authorize personalized care with Swaton Banerjee, Osteopath in Kolkata
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